Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Black, The White, And The Grey - 1201 Words

The Black, the White, the Grey: (A Discussion about the qualities of a good leader in relation to Machiavelli, Plato, and Marcus Aurelius) In modern politics so much of the black and white has blended into grey. It has become increasingly more difficult to define a good leader. Just looking at the Presidential candidates for the upcoming election is making me sick. Theodore Roosevelt, one of the truly good leaders of our country, says, â€Å"People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives.† Roosevelt definition of a leader challenges Machiavelli’s philosophy of a leader. This definition, however, matches up with the example set by Marcus Aurelius and Plato’s ideal. Looking at all three of these ideal leaders presented by Plato, Marcus Aurelius, and Machiavelli it is easy to draw what it is that makes a good leader. Although a lot of the ideas expressed by these three men differentiate in many ways, they overlap in key places. An example is Marcus Aurelius ideas stemmed from Platonic thought. Like the Roman emperor my standard stems from personal experien ces, research, and other great thinkers’ ideals; I have come to the conclusion that the ultimate leader is someone who exemplifies the characteristics of intelligence, humility, and ambition. The first key to being a good leader is intelligence. Plato supports this with his pedagogy of education. It is to be understood that intelligence in the sense I want to use it, isn’t justShow MoreRelatedCyber Attacks : The Black Hat, White Hat And Grey Hat Hacker1412 Words   |  6 Pagesterm. There are the main three types of hacker the black hat, white hat, and grey hat hacker. Black hat hackers are the ones everyone imagines when they hear the term hacker; white hat hacker is the security specialist that tries to make the bad guys job harder; the gray hat hacker is somewhere in between. 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